Tarling Road is our new Hub serving the needs of the immediate community. Located at the centre of a housing estate, the hub includes desks and spaces to hire for childcare, meetings, work and group events. We make it possible for one-off and regular activities to be hosted by community groups across the year. We look forward to welcoming you.
Events at Tarling Road
Youth Club
- Thursday Teenagers 6.30pm-8pm, Free event
- Friday Younger Children (Reception – Year 6) 6pm-7.30pm, Free event
Families Church
- Every Tuesday during term-time 3.30pm-4.30pm (straight after school), Free event
Venue Hire

Western Meeting Hall
Description: a spacious hall.
Dimensions main hall: 11.62m x 8.34m

Southern Room
Description: may be used as an office with space for three in line with covid guidelines.

Long Room
Description: may be used as an office, with capacity for four desks in a covid-compliant way, subject to latest guidelines.

Co-working Space
This co-working space has deskspace for four people, subject to latest covid guidelines.
Use Contact Us above to find out more information and to enquire about hiring space.